remy wrote:
The Hobbit (included in the boxed set) also has an error on the copyright page (I think). This should also state 2011 and not 2020. I assume that the error has carried forward.
Yes, 2020 is an error as it has kept the same ISBN for the past 12 years it should say 2011.
I have a similar Hobbit, the 75th anniversary edition. That’s the same ISBN, impression 29. So they should all be 2011? It’s definitely not 2020? Sorry, I’m not up on my paperbacks as much.
Yes, here is the copyright page to this edition.
The print numbers started with the 1996 HC PB edition
2011 is when the current ISBN was assigned.
The print numbers started with the 1996 HC PB edition
2011 is when the current ISBN was assigned.

For the new one Remy got, I’m curious if it only has the usual artwork, or if it has more added to it.
More info on the black and white artwork, compare the 2011 edition list of illustrations to the 2020 list of illustrations (photos attached are from 2020 one)
More info on the black and white artwork, compare the 2011 edition list of illustrations to the 2020 list of illustrations (photos attached are from 2020 one)

Yes, I was looking at the illustrations page too. The 2011 (29th) compared to the 2020 (70th) that I have. Perhaps that’s why it’s a 2020 edition and not a mistaken printing saying 2020? They updated it?

With the new Hobbit, Sil and UT paperbacks due from HarperCollins I thought we were on about UK books So yes, mine are UK books.
The two Hobbit covers you posted aren’t UK ones though: the one w/ Tolkien’s signature looks different from Remy’s, and as far as I can recall, no UK paperback ever said ‘75th Anniversary Edition’ on the cover.
If I’m wrong, I fully apologize: but I don’t believe I am.
If I’m wrong, I fully apologize: but I don’t believe I am.
They are definitely both U.K. books. The US cover with the 75th Anniversary lettering has it all on one line and is published by Mariner I believe. The U.K. is as you see above and by HarperCollins. And yes the other book I show isn’t the same as Remy’s as his is the brand new cover, whereas mine was bought new in 2022 in a U.K. boxed set.