Monthly online meetups
12 Jan, 2024
2024-1-12 8:56:22 PM UTC
2024-1-12 8:56:22 PM UTC
Hi all! Last year we didn't manage to have many live chat sessions, so we are going to try and do better in 2024.
The first session is scheduled for Sat, 27 Jan 2024 7:00 PM GMT and will be on Zoom (link will be shared closer to the event)
We'll start out talking about TCG's plans for the year, along with asking for some help/suggestions, and then likely delve into sharing interesting items from our collections as we usually do, and chatting of course.
- We hope to meet monthly, with different hosts and different day/times so you can make at least some of them
- The meetups will be private (not recorded and not livestreamed)
- Turning on your video and/or audio is completely optional
- Topics of discussion might be announced prior to each meetup, but in general these are more social chats and live questions and suggestions are welcome
- You will need to have an account here on in order to get the link for the meetup
The first session is scheduled for Sat, 27 Jan 2024 7:00 PM GMT and will be on Zoom (link will be shared closer to the event)
- 11 AM PT
- 1 PM CT
- 2 PM ET
- 7 PM GMT
- 8 PM CET
We'll start out talking about TCG's plans for the year, along with asking for some help/suggestions, and then likely delve into sharing interesting items from our collections as we usually do, and chatting of course.