11 March
2024-3-11 8:00:13 AM UTC
Urulókë mentioned this book in our recent livestream and I bought a copy. Was very pleased to find that it was stamped
This book belongs to HMCO LibraryAn interesting book that does have a few pages on Tolkien and the connection with Houghton Mifflin.
11 March
2024-3-11 1:36:45 PM UTC
Would love a 1938 Hobbit with that stamp
18 March
2024-3-18 11:42:03 AM UTC
Nice book Trotter. Goes nicely in a complimentary way with Rayner Unwin's "A Remembrancer".
4 May
2024-5-4 7:16:15 AM UTC
Finally have a red, not orange spine
4 May
2024-5-4 7:56:41 AM UTC
I definitely really like this edition !
Patience paid off ! Well done
4 May
2024-5-4 8:47:58 AM UTC
Those are great, Trotter. Good catch with the new one.
4 May
2024-5-4 8:53:05 AM UTC
I really like this set, and it is possible to eventually get 'good' copies.
21 August
2024-8-21 10:48:06 AM UTC
Been on the lookout for one of these for a long time, not in the best condition, but seemly difficult to find.
The Unwin Hyman Unfinished Tales hardback.
21 August
2024-8-21 1:07:41 PM UTC