4 Jun, 2024
2024-6-4 3:15:24 PM UTC
Letter link:
Carpenter #148: Letter from J.R.R. Tolkien to Katharine Farrer • 7 August 1954 (#393)Was listening to Today's Tolkien Times episode and Alan Sisto mentions a quote from this letter
Thank you very much indeed! You have already been kind enough; but your last letter was extremely welcome. Among other uses it has helped me to endure such reviews as that of Lambert in the ‘Sunday Times’.
Does anyone have a copy of the Lambert review or know how to get a copy?
4 Jun, 2024
2024-6-4 3:31:18 PM UTC
Sadly not. I've been looking for this one for a number or years without luck. I thought I had a copy on its way to me a few years ago alas for it to be the wrong issue of the Sunday Times.
I've asked Matt who is a review nut if he has a copy.
4 Jun, 2024
2024-6-4 5:00:22 PM UTC
Sadly not - though here's a question - Johnson's bibliography has the article in The Times dated 8 August 1954 - a Sunday indeed. I haven't watched the video, but the heading implies the letter was dated 7 August i.e. the day before the review would have appeared.
Might he have been shown a copy of the review in advance? Or is there some other factual error somewhere?
4 Jun, 2024
2024-6-4 5:04:51 PM UTC
Predictable Matt wrote:
Sadly not - though here's a question - Johnson's bibliography has the article in The Times dated 8 August 1954 - a Sunday indeed. I haven't watched the video, but the heading implies the letter was dated 7 August i.e. the day before the review would have appeared.
Might he have been shown a copy of the review in advance? Or is there some other factual error somewhere?
That is an interesting point. I don't have an answer to that!
I will look at who we know who has a subscription to the Times (thanks Matt for the suggestion).
4 Jun, 2024
2024-6-4 5:21:59 PM UTC
Good catch! Another question Matt you may be able to answer having dug deeper than me on this one...
Johnson's Six Decades of Criticism lists two reviews by J.W. Lambert, both in the Sunday Times, and both titled "New Fiction". August 8 and December 12, 1954 (Johnson B124 and B125, p. 29). She then footnotes these two reviews with a cross reference to B1645, which is "Early Review of Books by J.R.R. Tolkien" by Geroge H. Thomson in Mythlore #40, pp. 56-60.
I took at look at that issue of Mythlore to see if there was any additional information on these reviews, but I don't see them at all there! Am I missing something?
4 Jun, 2024
2024-6-4 6:36:51 PM UTC
Urulókë wrote:
Good catch! Another question Matt you may be able to answer having dug deeper than me on this one...
Johnson's Six Decades of Criticism lists two reviews by J.W. Lambert, both in the Sunday Times, and both titled "New Fiction". August 8 and December 12, 1954 (Johnson B124 and B125, p. 29). She then footnotes these two reviews with a cross reference to B1645, which is "Early Review of Books by J.R.R. Tolkien" by Geroge H. Thomson in Mythlore #40, pp. 56-60.
I took at look at that issue of Mythlore to see if there was any additional information on these reviews, but I don't see them at all there! Am I missing something?
I have an answer (well, partial anyway) - the reviews of FOTR annotated by Thomson span across Part I (in Mythlore 40) and Part II (in Mythlore 41). The "L" entries (incl. Lambert) are in Part II.
Partial - because only the review on 8 August is mentioned/annotated by Thomson. The reason for this, I suspect, is that Thomson decided to "cut" the 12 December review from his Part II, which was published after Johnson went to print. The fact of him having made a note of the 12 December review can be inferred from Johnson B1646 which refers to the "unpublished annotated bibliography...generously shared" by Thomson.