This is an uncommon one: ... _trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
Seems a bit overpriced, though. What do you guys think? ... _trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
Seems a bit overpriced, though. What do you guys think?
Expensive. But I remember one selling on ebay a few years ago for over $500 so would not be one bit surprised if it sells.
I stopped checking prices after I got a copy for myself a couple of years ago, but I think it may sell.
- wellinghall
- wellinghall
It has a bid (not me). I would bid on it at this price were I to have that much free cash in my Tolkien budget this week.
Here's something you don't see everyday (or ever before in all the time I've been watching ebay) ... ain_0&hash=item19cf03ab1c ... ain_0&hash=item19cf03ab1c
That's a cool statue. Someone recently sent me a (wearable) mask for the Goblin king just like this. I guess there's something in the air about now!
£750.00 (23 Bids)
End Date: Monday Mar-26-2012 22:59:42 BST

£750.00 (23 Bids)
End Date: Monday Mar-26-2012 22:59:42 BST
J R R Tolkien-THE HOBBIT - Tolkien 1958 10th impression
£137.00 (14 Bids)
End Date: Monday Mar-26-2012 22:04:33 BST

£137.00 (14 Bids)
End Date: Monday Mar-26-2012 22:04:33 BST