I bought my Exodus nearly ten years ago, cheaply, from a very disorganised seller on Abebooks. He kept on making excuses about not sending it to me, and I was thinking, "Oh no, he's realised its true worth, and is selling it to someone else for more." But no, in the end, he sent it - and very nice it was too!
- wellinghall
- wellinghall
Here's a nice original photograph of a friend of TCG -
http://www.ebay.com/itm/1978-Press-Ph ... mages&hash=item416476834a

http://www.ebay.com/itm/1978-Press-Ph ... mages&hash=item416476834a
Here's a TCG interview with that lady - Renee Alper, co-founder of the Americn Hobbit Association.
i haven't seen one of these show up in a while - a bit on the expensive side (to my mind) but I bought mine years ago...
J.R.R .Tolkien, Drawings by Tolkien, 1976 catalogue
End Date: Friday May-4-2012 18:09:46 BST
Buy It Now for only: £59.00

J.R.R .Tolkien, Drawings by Tolkien, 1976 catalogue
End Date: Friday May-4-2012 18:09:46 BST
Buy It Now for only: £59.00
Here's an interesting one -
http://www.ebay.com/itm/A-GLOSSARY-OF ... ain_0&hash=item4ab5c58fd6
- but what a price - Ouch!

http://www.ebay.com/itm/A-GLOSSARY-OF ... ain_0&hash=item4ab5c58fd6
- but what a price - Ouch!
Well, this was listed for 8 minutes 3 seconds. Gotta be quick!
This item has ended (Buy-It-Now £595)

This item has ended (Buy-It-Now £595)