The weekend is upon us, and March 25th is just around the corner (Monday)! Due to the fact that Tolkien Reading Day falls outside the weekend again this year (as it often does) there will be a few events over the weekend that might interest you.

The Tolkien Society is having their events on Saturday March 23rd - three separate times across the day so you can hopefully check at least one out whatever time zone you are in. See their webpage for details on the Zoom events.

On Sunday, Jordan Rannells will be having a marathon live streaming event with lots of guests doing reading samples from The Two Towers. I will be doing the very last few paragraphs of The Choices of Master Samwise to close out the book! The event starts at Sun, 24 Mar 2024 5:00 PM GMT and will run for around five hours I am told. Hope to see you there!