Amon Hen Vol. 127

Reprinted by kind permission of The Tolkien Society and Steve Lines - all rights reserved.
- Cover: Untitled by Steve Lines
- Editorial by Richard Fraser Overton
- Advertisement by Malcolm Lindley
- Education Officer Announcement by Andrew Wells
- Oxonmoot 1994
- Silver Jubilee Logo Competition Results by Malcolm Lindley
- Artwork: First Winning Logo Design by Katy Etherington
- Behind Glass Doors by Annie Haward
- Artwork: Saruman by Piers Townley
- Donald Swann Obituary by Charles Noad
- Artwork: Second Winning Logo Design by E.R. Cole
- Drumlins in Arnor by Ian Smalley and Sally Bijl
- As the Fire Cooled by Jim Lawrence
- Tolk Folk
- Reviews by Charles Noad & Andrew Wells
- A Plate-tectonic Theory for the Drowning of Beleriand by Alex Lewis
- Artwork: Third Winning Logo Design by R. Bell
- The Third British Costume Convention by Chris Crawshaw
- Letters
- Artwork: Mithrandir by E.R. Cole
- Mathom by Jason Finch
- Annie's Allsorts by Annie Haward
- Calligraphy by Kirsty Beck and Tony Curtis
- Additional Artwork by Neil Loughran
Last modified: 03/10/20 by Urulókë
Amon Hen Issues
Amon Hen Issues