Amon Hen no. 51

- 10th July 1981
- Edited by Jenny Smith
- Reprinted by kind permission of The Tolkien Society - all rights reserved.
- 2 - Contents/Editorial
- 3 - Oxonmoot
- 4 - Summermoot
- Back Issues and Badges
- 5-7 - Jubilee Feast of the Forodrim: Mary Woffinden
- 8 - Gothmog and the Black Numenoreans: Alan Bough
- 10 - An Appreciation: Brendan Conroy
- 12 - Journeys of Frodo: Helen Armstrong & Ian Smith
- 13 - Atlas of Middle-earth: Matthew Dosch
- 15 - Mallorn & Quettar
- 16 - Garner & Le Guin: Jessica Yates
- 18 - Smial Please
- 20 - Tolk Folk & Letters
- 23 - Jessica's Corner
- 25 - Helen's Heep
- 27 - Rob Inglis's LotR: Jenny Smith
- Cover - Turin's burial stone on Cabed-en-Aras: Kevin Grindley
- 2 - Amon Hen: Johan Schimanski
- Editorial: Margaret Thomson
- 3 - Title: Juliette Bentley
- Captial: Gordon MacLellon
- 4 - Strip: Richard Aladics
- Ent: Geraldine Charles
- 5 - Dragonhelm - Geraint Rees
- Capital: Margaret Thomson
- Star: Matthew Leys
- 6 - Griffin: unknown
- 8 - Capital: Mark Bardsley
- Cirith Ungol: Matthew Meys
- 9 - Nazgul: Geraint Rees
- Orthanc: Mark Bardsley
- 10 - Strip: Margaret Thomson
- Capital: Mark Bardsley
- 11 - Bombadil: Mark Bardsley
- 12 - Gandalf in Minas Tirith: Ley Holloway
- 13 - Wall: Philip Day
- 15 - Strip: Urban Gunnarson
- 17 - Southron Flag: J. Schimanski
- Squiggle: Gordon MacLellon
- 18 - Title: Philip Day
- 19 - 13 in Mirkwood: John Trippick
- 20 - Titles: M. Thomson & P. Day
- 21 - Spear: Vince Price
- Helm: Philip Robson
- 22 - Elanor: Sarah Petley
- 23 - Title: Steve Pillinger
- 25 - Title: Ian Enticott
- 27 - Silhouette: P. Day
- Endpiece: Steve Lines
Last modified: 02/28/10 by Urulókë