Letter Tags
Tolkien writes a puzzling letter, for Father Francis Morgan, written in rebus code. The letter is held at the Bodleian Library in Oxford.
A short extract where Tolkien mentions his "nonsense fairy language", referring to it as "such a mad hobby!" Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull note t...
John Johnson of the Oxford University Press writes to the historian Henry David on the matter of the proposed Middle English series of texts. He notes t...
Tolkien sends a postcard to Henry Bradley. Tolkien had worked with Bradley on the Oxford English Dictionary. He hopes Bradley has recovered from his rec...
A Philologist on Esperanto is the title given to a letter (written in the early part of 1932) from J.R.R. Tolkien to the secretary of the Education Comm...
Signed by: T. GRAHAME BAILEY, M.A., B.D., D.Lirr., Reader in Urdu and Hindustami, University of London. T. C. BAILLIE, M.A., D.Sc., Principal, West Ham ...
Reverend Adrian Morey writes to Tolkien, informing him that he has found an Anglo-Saxon version of the Lord's Prayer while at the British Museum. He ask...
Re. Adrian Morey writes to Tolkien. Tolkien had advised him to write an article on the 'Our Father' prayer in Anglo-Saxon, but Morey says that he has de...
Tolkien thanks Stanley Unwin for the excellent news from America, where The Hobbit is selling well and it has won a prize of $250. Rayner's review of th...
Tolkien responds to Mr. Masefield regarding the lines provided for a performance. Tolkien expresses no objection to being preceded by the lines and defe...
Tolkien replies to Simonne d'Ardenne's letter of 10 October. In it he offers various corrections and suggestions for Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Primer and says...
Writing to Tolkien, Simonne d'Ardenne complains about Hitler and the situation in Europe but she hopes that world events will work out for the best. On ...
Writing to son Christopher, Tolkien reflects on the challenges and monotony of daily life during a turbulent period, expressing a sense of isolation due...
Tolkien writes to Leila Keane and Patricia Kirke, he discusses his progress with The Lord of the Rings, and the fortunes of his family. The letter was a...
In this long letter, Tolkien mentions derivations of "convent" and "Coventry". Published in The Catholic Herald, 23 February 1945, and extracts from it ...
Tolkien writes an eight page letter to A.W. Riddle, discussing in very deep detail split infinitives and the evolution of written and colloquially spoke...
Tolkien writes to Mr Riddle about languages word changes over time (including the S.I. or Split Infinitive), his father (Arthur Tolkien), Varsity, footb...
A two page letter (single 5.5 x 7 inch sheet, both sides) in response to Mrs. Mitchison's praise of Farmer Giles of Ham. Tolkien mentions that FG was re...
Tolkien wrote this letter to Milton Waldman. Tolkien wanted his publisher, George Allen & Unwin, to publish both The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarill...
This letter of which excerpts were published in The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren concerned the etymology of the word 'faynights'. After it was pu...
Newby writes to Tolkien asking if an examination of the eighteenth-century Grammarians would make a suitable subject for a talk on the BBC's Third Progr...
Tolkien writes about his use of languages in the book and explains the challenges faced in creating maps for The Lord of the Rings. He discusses the dis...
Tolkien discusses the English dialogue in The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth, Beorhthelm's Son that should be used in the BBC Radio programme. In the 2023 rev...
Tolkien shares insights into the origins and inspirations behind his writing, particularly focusing on The Lord of the Rings. He discusses the evolution...
Tolkien mentions his visit to London where he met Rayner Unwin. He met Mr. Wilson, who he described as "the small old Scot who seems to reign over that ...
Tolkien responds to Mr. Jeffery's letter. Tolkien discusses the command of Elvish script and mentions the upcoming release of Volume III, which will inc...
Tolkien remarks that his holiday in Italy only made him more tired and not at all rested. Combined with his anxieties over the Return of the King releas...
Tolkien addresses the criticism of his use of deliberate archaism in his writing and strongly defends his choice to use this in The Lord of the Rings as...
The Return of the King was published 20 October 1955. Irritated by the Times Literary Supplement review of 25 November 1955, Mr. Masson, a librarian at ...
This undated letter sent sometime between January 1956 and April 1958 concerns an Elvish passage as noted by Anders Stenström. He noted an Elvish passa...
Tolkien expresses gratitude for a reader's encouraging letter. He writes that his work began during World War I and evolved into the invention of legend...
Tolkien expresses strong objections to the Dutch translation of The Lord of the Rings. He vehemently opposes any alteration or translation of the nomenc...
Tolkien discusses the concept of "accent" in the context of representing different languages, particularly the Common Speech (C.S.) in his legendarium. ...
Tolkien discusses various matters including academic news, Hebrew, work with The Jerusalem Bible, the Book of Jonah. Excerpts from this letter were publ...
Tolkien discusses philology and the original meaning of words.
Tolkien replies about an English usage question referring to has or have.
Tolkien writes explaining that "I prefer hobitos since it preserves to the eye more relationship to the original word. I do not much mind the h being 'm...
Tolkien answers a question about what Hal saw on the North Moors - Tolkien does not think it was an Entwife, but likely a troll. He also recommends Heaf...
Eileen Elgar wrote to Tolkien asking for information about The Silmarillion. Included in his reply was a nine page manuscript, with genealogical tree il...
In a second-hand bookshop in Salisbury, Wiltshire, Zillah Sherring found and bought a copy of The Fifth Book of Thucydides which contained a number of s...
Tolkien discusses the etymology of Mirkwood. Brief quotes from this letter included in Chronology show that he also talked about the typewriters he uses...
Writing to Father Jones, Tolkien thanks him for including his name in the list of contributors of the New Jerusalem Bible, even though Tolkien feels lik...
At the top, Tolkien has written: ‘Some reflections in preparing an answer to a letter from one Mr Rang about investigations into my nomenclature. In t...
Amy sent Tolkien some Port and Sherry.
Tolkien wishes Christopher a happy 1969.
Tolkien replies to a letter from Amy Ronald. He explains his names and the different ways that family and friends address him.
Christopher writes to Mr Lobdell about his questions concerning his father. Did Christopher influence the Lord of the Rings? Is the dwarves' language as...
Tolkien discusses the question, did the Ents ever find the Entwives?
Tolkien talks about numerals in The Lord of the Rings. A photocopy with a complete transcript is held at the Marquette archives.
Guide to Tolkien's Letters
(50 letters match)1904
8 August 1904
J.R.R. Tolkien to Father Francis Morgan
Tolkien writes a puzzling letter, for Father Francis Morgan, written in rebus code. The letter is held at the Bodleian Library in Oxford.
2 March 1916
J.R.R. Tolkien to Edith Bratt
Carpenter #4
A short extract where Tolkien mentions his "nonsense fairy language", referring to it as "such a mad hobby!" Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull note t...
8 January 1921
John Johnson to Henry [H.W.C.] Davis
John Johnson of the Oxford University Press writes to the historian Henry David on the matter of the proposed Middle English series of texts. He notes t...
26 June 1922
J.R.R. Tolkien to Dr. Henry Bradley
Tolkien sends a postcard to Henry Bradley. Tolkien had worked with Bradley on the Oxford English Dictionary. He hopes Bradley has recovered from his rec...
May 1932* (see note)
J.R.R. Tolkien to Secretary of the Education Committee of the British Esperanto Association
A Philologist on Esperanto is the title given to a letter (written in the early part of 1932) from J.R.R. Tolkien to the secretary of the Education Comm...
May 1933*
J.R.R. Tolkien, and others to The British Esperantist
Signed by: T. GRAHAME BAILEY, M.A., B.D., D.Lirr., Reader in Urdu and Hindustami, University of London. T. C. BAILLIE, M.A., D.Sc., Principal, West Ham ...
April or May 1936
Rev. Adrian Morey to J.R.R. Tolkien
Reverend Adrian Morey writes to Tolkien, informing him that he has found an Anglo-Saxon version of the Lord's Prayer while at the British Museum. He ask...
13 September 1936
Rev. Adrian Morey to J.R.R. Tolkien
Re. Adrian Morey writes to Tolkien. Tolkien had advised him to write an article on the 'Our Father' prayer in Anglo-Saxon, but Morey says that he has de...
June 4th 1938
J.R.R. Tolkien to Stanley Unwin
Carpenter #28
Tolkien thanks Stanley Unwin for the excellent news from America, where The Hobbit is selling well and it has won a prize of $250. Rayner's review of th...
27 July 1938
J.R.R. Tolkien to John Masefield
Carpenter #32
Tolkien responds to Mr. Masefield regarding the lines provided for a performance. Tolkien expresses no objection to being preceded by the lines and defe...
c. 11-25 October 1938*
J.R.R. Tolkien to Simonne d'Ardenne
Tolkien replies to Simonne d'Ardenne's letter of 10 October. In it he offers various corrections and suggestions for Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Primer and says...
10 October 1938
Simonne d'Ardenne to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, Simonne d'Ardenne complains about Hitler and the situation in Europe but she hopes that world events will work out for the best. On ...
9 December 1943
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #53
Writing to son Christopher, Tolkien reflects on the challenges and monotony of daily life during a turbulent period, expressing a sense of isolation due...
9 January 1945
J.R.R. Tolkien to Leila Keane and Patricia Kirke
Tolkien writes to Leila Keane and Patricia Kirke, he discusses his progress with The Lord of the Rings, and the fortunes of his family. The letter was a...
10-11 February 1945
J.R.R. Tolkien to The Catholic Herald
In this long letter, Tolkien mentions derivations of "convent" and "Coventry". Published in The Catholic Herald, 23 February 1945, and extracts from it ...
10 January 1947
J.R.R. Tolkien to A.W. Riddle
Tolkien writes an eight page letter to A.W. Riddle, discussing in very deep detail split infinitives and the evolution of written and colloquially spoke...
2 October 1947
J.R.R. Tolkien to A.W. Riddle
Tolkien writes to Mr Riddle about languages word changes over time (including the S.I. or Split Infinitive), his father (Arthur Tolkien), Varsity, footb...
18 December 1949
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mrs. Naomi Mitchison
Carpenter #122
A two page letter (single 5.5 x 7 inch sheet, both sides) in response to Mrs. Mitchison's praise of Farmer Giles of Ham. Tolkien mentions that FG was re...
1951 (late)
J.R.R. Tolkien to Milton Waldman
Carpenter #131
Tolkien wrote this letter to Milton Waldman. Tolkien wanted his publisher, George Allen & Unwin, to publish both The Lord of the Rings and The Silmarill...
25 November 1951
J.R.R. Tolkien to Iona and Peter Opie
This letter of which excerpts were published in The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren concerned the etymology of the word 'faynights'. After it was pu...
20 April 1954
P.H. Newby to J.R.R. Tolkien
Newby writes to Tolkien asking if an examination of the eighteenth-century Grammarians would make a suitable subject for a talk on the BBC's Third Progr...
25 April 1954
J.R.R. Tolkien to Naomi Mitchison
Carpenter #144
Tolkien writes about his use of languages in the book and explains the challenges faced in creating maps for The Lord of the Rings. He discusses the dis...
23 September 1954
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Heppenstall
Carpenter #152
Tolkien discusses the English dialogue in The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth, Beorhthelm's Son that should be used in the BBC Radio programme. In the 2023 rev...
7 June 1955
J.R.R. Tolkien to W. H. Auden
Carpenter #163
Tolkien shares insights into the origins and inspirations behind his writing, particularly focusing on The Lord of the Rings. He discusses the evolution...
28 June 1955
J.R.R. Tolkien to Miss Perry
Tolkien mentions his visit to London where he met Rayner Unwin. He met Mr. Wilson, who he described as "the small old Scot who seems to reign over that ...
7 September 1955
J.R.R. Tolkien to Richard Jeffery
Carpenter #168
Tolkien responds to Mr. Jeffery's letter. Tolkien discusses the command of Elvish script and mentions the upcoming release of Volume III, which will inc...
8 September 1955
J.R.R. Tolkien to Katharine Farrer
Carpenter #168a
Tolkien remarks that his holiday in Italy only made him more tired and not at all rested. Combined with his anxieties over the Return of the King releas...
18 September 1955
J.R.R. Tolkien to Hugh Brogan
Carpenter #171
Tolkien addresses the criticism of his use of deliberate archaism in his writing and strongly defends his choice to use this in The Lord of the Rings as...
12 December 1955
J.R.R. Tolkien to David Masson
The Return of the King was published 20 October 1955. Irritated by the Times Literary Supplement review of 25 November 1955, Mr. Masson, a librarian at ...
Undated (1956-1958)
J.R.R. Tolkien to Peter Alford
This undated letter sent sometime between January 1956 and April 1958 concerns an Elvish passage as noted by Anders Stenström. He noted an Elvish passa...
14 January 1956
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr. Thompson
Carpenter #180
Tolkien expresses gratitude for a reader's encouraging letter. He writes that his work began during World War I and evolved into the invention of legend...
3 July 1956
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #190
Tolkien expresses strong objections to the Dutch translation of The Lord of the Rings. He vehemently opposes any alteration or translation of the nomenc...
2 November 1956
J.R.R. Tolkien to Terence Tiller
Carpenter #193
Tolkien discusses the concept of "accent" in the context of representing different languages, particularly the Common Speech (C.S.) in his legendarium. ...
24 April 1957
J.R.R. Tolkien to Michael George Tolkien
Carpenter #196a
Tolkien discusses various matters including academic news, Hebrew, work with The Jerusalem Bible, the Book of Jonah. Excerpts from this letter were publ...
4 May 1958
J.R.R. Tolkien to Robert Murray, S.J.
Carpenter #209
Tolkien discusses philology and the original meaning of words.
9 October 1959
J.R.R. Tolkien to Eric Rogers
Carpenter #218
Tolkien replies about an English usage question referring to has or have.
19 September 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Alina Dadlez
Tolkien writes explaining that "I prefer hobitos since it preserves to the eye more relationship to the original word. I do not much mind the h being 'm...
28 February 1964
J.R.R. Tolkien to James Heaf
Tolkien answers a question about what Hal saw on the North Moors - Tolkien does not think it was an Entwife, but likely a troll. He also recommends Heaf...
5 March 1964
J.R.R. Tolkien to Eileen Elgar
Carpenter #255
Eileen Elgar wrote to Tolkien asking for information about The Silmarillion. Included in his reply was a nine page manuscript, with genealogical tree il...
20 July 1965
J.R.R. Tolkien to Zillah Sherring
Carpenter #272
In a second-hand bookshop in Salisbury, Wiltshire, Zillah Sherring found and bought a copy of The Fifth Book of Thucydides which contained a number of s...
29 July 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to Michael George Tolkien
Carpenter #289
Tolkien discusses the etymology of Mirkwood. Brief quotes from this letter included in Chronology show that he also talked about the typewriters he uses...
18 October 1966
J.R.R. Tolkien to [Father] Alex Jones
Carpenter #289d
Writing to Father Jones, Tolkien thanks him for including his name in the list of contributors of the New Jerusalem Bible, even though Tolkien feels lik...
August 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr Rang
Carpenter #297
At the top, Tolkien has written: ‘Some reflections in preparing an answer to a letter from one Mr Rang about investigations into my nomenclature. In t...
14 November 1968
J.R.R. Tolkien to Amy Ronald
Carpenter #307
Amy sent Tolkien some Port and Sherry.
2 January 1969
J.R.R. Tolkien to Christopher Tolkien
Carpenter #308
Tolkien wishes Christopher a happy 1969.
2 January 1969
J.R.R. Tolkien to Amy Ronald
Carpenter #309
Tolkien replies to a letter from Amy Ronald. He explains his names and the different ways that family and friends address him.
1 April 1969
Christopher Tolkien to J.C. Lobdell
Christopher writes to Mr Lobdell about his questions concerning his father. Did Christopher influence the Lord of the Rings? Is the dwarves' language as...
?6 June 1972
J.R.R. Tolkien to Fr. Douglas Carter
Carpenter #338
Tolkien discusses the question, did the Ents ever find the Entwives?
23 November 1972
J.R.R. Tolkien to Edmund Meskys
Carpenter #344
Tolkien talks about numerals in The Lord of the Rings. A photocopy with a complete transcript is held at the Marquette archives.