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14 Apr, 2020
2020-4-14 12:47:43 AM UTC
One thing I wanted to ask you guys about - speaking of upcoming books.

There's a forthcoming cookbook called Recipes From the World of Tolkien. The ISBN is 9781645174424 and it's by Thunder Bay Press. Here's the summary:

"These Lord of the Rings-themed recipes are sure to satisfy Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves...and humans too!

If you’ve ever wondered what a Hobbit, an Elf, or a Dwarf might eat in a day’s meals, this cookbook is for you! Whip up some tasty fare with recipes that cover all six mealtimes from the realm of J.R.R. Tolkien. Divided by the time of day, these recipes use modern ingredients and culinary techniques, and American measurements. A great resource for Lord of the Rings parties, this book is a perfect way to experience real food that tastes like a fantasy!

This work is unofficial and is not authorized by the Tolkien Estate or HarperCollins Publishers."

So we all know that David Day is the bane of Tolkien fans (and rightfully so, however that's not what this is about), however I do not see his name attached to this, unless he also serves as an editor.

That being said, since that this is a recipe book, what are your feelings towards it?? It is after all, food. It can be good - the food that is -, authorized or not. Great example of that is The Shire Cookbook and An Unexpected Cookbook.
14 Apr, 2020
2020-4-14 1:03:24 AM UTC

insurrbution wrote:
One thing I wanted to ask you guys about - speaking of upcoming books.

There's a forthcoming cookbook called Recipes From the World of Tolkien. The ISBN is 9781645174424 and it's by Thunder Bay Press. Here's the summary:

"These Lord of the Rings-themed recipes are sure to satisfy Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves...and humans too!

If you’ve ever wondered what a Hobbit, an Elf, or a Dwarf might eat in a day’s meals, this cookbook is for you! Whip up some tasty fare with recipes that cover all six mealtimes from the realm of J.R.R. Tolkien. Divided by the time of day, these recipes use modern ingredients and culinary techniques, and American measurements. A great resource for Lord of the Rings parties, this book is a perfect way to experience real food that tastes like a fantasy!

This work is unofficial and is not authorized by the Tolkien Estate or HarperCollins Publishers."

So we all know that David Day is the bane of Tolkien fans (and rightfully so, however that's not what this is about), however I do not see his name attached to this, unless he also serves as an editor.

That being said, since that this is a recipe book, what are your feelings towards it?? It is after all, food. It can be good - the food that is -, authorized or not. Great example of that is The Shire Cookbook and An Unexpected Cookbook.

I would assume it is a perfectly average cookbook intended to pull in an audience on the back of the Tolkien name. I'm personally no fan of this kind of thing, but it is harmless, I guess.
14 Apr, 2020
2020-4-14 7:08:05 AM UTC
"... and American measurements"? Uh.
14 Apr, 2020
2020-4-14 8:40:29 AM UTC
I believe the phrase is "freedom units". Sticks of butter and cups of sugar. American cookbooks are - in my experience - unusable for anyone outside the US of A.

SI (and derived) Units for the win!
14 Apr, 2020
2020-4-14 9:04:49 AM UTC
The MIL bought my other half the GoT version of these recipe style books a while back and it has sat untouched after a brief leaf through. The only reason I would personally buy a recipe book is if it were going to be a useful cookery book and any of these cheap 'themed' books will not serve anybody who wants to cook.

What I have noticed with these books and others like colouring books, join-the-dot, and quiz/puzzle books is that they end up on the shelf with the core books as part of the 'collection'. Well imo the recipe book belongs in the kitchen with traces of a white powder all over it. The colouring books and join-the-dots belong at the dining room table and puzzle/quiz books belong among the magazines in the loo!

My other half loves colouring, and bought me a load of Tolkien related versions that she refuses to colour in as it might 'ruin' them. Ruin them? Ruin a colouring book by colouring in it? BONKERS!
14 Apr, 2020
2020-4-14 3:14:43 PM UTC
The seedcake recipe from the Shire Cbookbook gets made on average about once a month here. The Warcraft cookbook is pretty good too, as is Elder Scrolls. I will say that the Ice and Fire one is least practical, though the crusty bread recipe is great.
14 Apr, 2020
2020-4-14 7:25:23 PM UTC

insurrbution wrote:
The seedcake recipe from the Shire Cbookbook gets made on average about once a month here. The Warcraft cookbook is pretty good too, as is Elder Scrolls. I will say that the Ice and Fire one is least practical, though the crusty bread recipe is great.

Do you use many other cookbooks at home? By that I mean did you use many before using these themed books?

And noted, thank you. I will try the crusty bread. Although I don't bake much bread as our bakery is just so damn evil blowing its smells out every day and selling such delicious loaves :)
14 Apr, 2020
2020-4-14 7:52:24 PM UTC
Must admit, I haven't used an actual cookbook in years (and I have quite a few). All the heirloom recipes I use are mostly in my head (and came to me on battered bits of paper from close family friends (such as my Auntie Tripta's Lamb Kofta recipe -- which is my favourite food and has been for 40+ years). Anything else I want to make, I just Google and pick the recipe which seems most likely to be good, based on the ingredients going in.
28 Apr, 2020
2020-4-28 9:52:30 AM UTC
Email from Amazon about the Deluxe "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: with Pearl and Sir Orfeo"

Estimated arrival date: May 06 2020 - May 07 2020

I was surprised that it did not state don't know when it will ship.
28 Apr, 2020
2020-4-28 10:10:47 AM UTC
£48.12 at Speedyhen ... rl-and-Sir-Orfeo/25266640

Amazon haven't discounted it much yet.
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