LanceFormation wrote:
Aelfwine wrote:
Yet again, I'm the last to know! I've heard not ONE PEEP, not one HINT of a peep, about this until now.
Here are some images of the Easton NoMe book.
Added a few comparison photos to the US and UK trade editions and an image of NoMe with other Easton releases.
What exactly are the “special contents of this edition” that Easton Press has copyright on?
Aelfwine wrote:
Well, would you look at that....
Aelfwine I did send Easton Press a nudge email to send you a copy with your contact info...they said they forwarded it to the editorial team that will look into it. So I did what I could!
Urulókë wrote:
LanceFormation wrote:
Aelfwine wrote:
Yet again, I'm the last to know! I've heard not ONE PEEP, not one HINT of a peep, about this until now.
Here are some images of the Easton NoMe book.
Added a few comparison photos to the US and UK trade editions and an image of NoMe with other Easton releases.
What exactly are the “special contents of this edition” that Easton Press has copyright on?
That “special contents…” statement appears in almost all of my Easton Press Tolkien books. So, maybe some type of blanket legal notice…pertaining to the layout???…or???
Mr. Underhill wrote:
Here's how I understand the different grades of leather used for book binding...
Full Grain Leather is the best leather money can buy and the only leather good enough for Saddleback. It comes from the top layer of the hide which has ALL of the grain, therefore, FULL grain. The natural surface of full grain leather burnishes and beautifies with use.
Top Grain Leather is the second highest grade because it is split from the top layer of blemished hide then sanded and refinished. This is how they get rid of scars and scrapes and light cow brands.
Genuine Leather is the third grade of leather and is produced from the layers of hide that remain after the top is split off for the better grades. The surface is usually refinished (spray painted) to resemble a higher grade.
Bonded Leather is the PT Cruiser of the leather world... pure junk. Leftover scraps are ground together with glue and resurfaced in a process similar to vinyl manufacture. Bonded leather is weak and degrades quickly with use.
Don't want to derail this topic, but the grading of bookbinding leather has nothing to do with any of the above. Grading (usually I, II, III, and ungraded) is simply a professional description of the presence (or not) of defects in the skin; it doesn't specifically refer to the leather type [*]. No reputable supplier of leather for bookbinding would sell bonded leather, and skivers (the "Genuine Leather" you describe) can still be conservation grade quality. I don't know what individual countries understand by the term, but there seems to be a reasonable consensus that the term "bonded leather" should not be an allowable term in reference to leather products i.e. it isn't leather.
My point really is: if you cannot (without difficulty) find out anything about the leather they use, besides some vague reference to "Italian" leathers, then one should be immediately suspicious of the quality of the leather being used. This is a pretty mute point for cheap books (e.g. with bonded leather); but Easton Press books aren't that cheap, are they? I have a EP Silmarillion and the leather does not strike me as good quality.
Stating "genuine leather" on your title page screams "don't ask us about the quality of the leather we use".
[Hewit & Sons are world famous suppliers of bookbinding leather.]
Thanks for the clarification, and I agree about the EP book binding details. I was miffed at not being able to find a more in depth explanation of their methods on the site.
The US trade paperback of the NoMe from William Morrow has been released.
Aelfwine did you have a chance to make any updates?
Aelfwine did you have a chance to make any updates?

I pointed Harper Collins to my (now itself out-of-date) list of corrections (, but I don't know whether any of them have been incorporated (nor do I yet have a copy of the paperback to check).
Aelfwine wrote:
I pointed Harper Collins to my (now itself out-of-date) list of corrections (, but I don't know whether any of them have been incorporated (nor do I yet have a copy of the paperback to check).
I did some spot checking (about a dozen random items from the list) and it appears the corrections have been incorporated. Especially “Mind-pictures” ?
(Added: I actually checked the first 32 entries of the errata thru this entry: “p. 112, n. 7: Correct the alignment of the left margin.” Everything checks out as incorporated.)