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15 Jun, 2022 (edited)
2022-6-15 3:06:53 AM UTC
Another possible issue (though it should probably be left unchanged) in UT: Marhwini & Marhari are more likely from Old High German rather than Gothic:
OHG. marh, G. marhs : "horse"
OHG. wini, G. wins: "friend"
OHG. hari, G. harjis: "army"
Note: 1891 Etymological dictionary of the German language lists marh, wini, hari as OHG words, some modern linguists define them as Proto-West Germanic words instead.

Thus I believe Tolkien's idea is to use Gothic (Vidugavia, Vidumavi, Vinitharya), Old High German(Marhwini, Marhari), and Old English (Frumgar, Eorl, Léod) to represent the early, middle, and late periods of the language of the Northmen of Rhovanion. I can find four pieces of evidence:
G. harjis > OHG. hari > OE. here “army, warrior”, as attested in Vinitharya, Marhari, Dúnhere
OHG. wini > OE. wine “friend”, as attested in Marhwini, Forthwin, Fréawine, Goldwine, Elfwine (OE also used wini sometimes, but since Tolkien deliberately used wini-wine contrast, we should understand them as two languages, or two stages of a language)
OHG. marh > OE. mearh “horse”, as attested in Marhwini, Marhari, Mearas.
In the 4 generation lineage Marhari>Marhwini>Forthwini>Frumgar, the eldest Marhari & Marhwini use OHG names, youngest Frumgar uses OE name, and Forthwini is a hybrid: the first part is OE forþ whereas the second part OHG.
10 Aug, 2022 (edited)
2022-8-10 3:18:10 PM UTC
William Cloud Hicklin's The Chronology of The Lord of the Rings (C) is published a few days ago. And I note some possible issues:

The time format is inconsistent, sometimes converted to American style (eg. 3:30) and sometimes not. The MS always used UK style (3.30).
p82 "17 21". It seems "17" should be crossed out.

Also, I find images of 5 pages of MSS 4/2/18 (pages 3,6,8,9,10), and compared them with the reading in C:
p44 On the bottom of "17 Tu." cell something deleted is unmentioned. The deleted word on "18" cell looks to be more than merely "LQ". Also, I think Tolkien later rejected moving the boxed cell on Jan 18 to Jan 17, by adding bars on the arrow. So it fixes the inconsistency discussed in footnote 53. (RC 360 also says this event is Jan 18)
p54 The deleted words after "At 8 a.m." is unmentioned.
p64 Missing the full stop at the end of "They camp 20 miles or so on way".
p64 "about 35 m. p. day.[89]" p65 "89. 36 miles per day: see note 99.". It should be both "35".
p66 "and camps 30 miles on way." seems to be "and camps 30 miles east on way." in the MS, which is also the reading in RC 542.
p74 The "F. 16" cell has a deleted "LQ" unmentioned in transcription. It might have connection with the rejected LQ on p44.
p117 "with the moonrise and set times adjusted by 30 minutes". From the MS, I think the adjustment is 37 minutes, or approximately 40m/0.5h. It is inappropriate to be approximated to 30m.

Also, I compared the reading in C with the quotes in The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion (3rd ed., RC), and note several tiny differences. Without (or even with) the images it's hard to say which one is correct. Here are them (I have ignored editorial differences such as battlefield/battle field):
RC194: "Glorfindel set out from Rivendell on 9 October." C36 says it's Oct 10, according to footnote 32 Tolkien mistakenly marked it as Oct 9 and then corrected.
RC348: "They pass Gate of Argonath and come to Lake Hithoel (1.30 pm)". C52: "They pass Gate of Argonath and come to Lake Nen Hithoel (1:30 p.m)".
RC360: "Sarn Gebir". C46: "Sarngebir".
RC361: February 23 "The Orcs dismayed, but Grishnákh crosses Anduin and daringly pushes down west shore in pursuit. He believes Coy. is making for Minas Tirith." C53 says this entry was moved to February 24.
RC379: "then need long rest...they can trot ?from 6 mph for about 50 ?miles." C57: "then need a long rest...they can run [?for] 6 mph for about 50 miles."
RC410: "Wormtongue flies to Isengard". C60: "Wormtongue flees to Isengard."
RC455: "Slagmounds". C62: "Slag-mound".
RC484: "see last glimpse of sun". C66: "see last gleam of sun".
RC507: "March 5: 11.30 leaves Dolbaran". C138: "March 5 11.20 leaves Dolbaran"
RC508: "ride 69 miles". C138: "ride 68 miles".
RC508: "Pippin sees moon-rise at 9 pm and". C138: "Pippin sees moon-rise at 9 pm [illeg]".
RC508: ", 176 miles from Edoras". C138 says this sentence is rejected.
RC531: "According to Scheme, on 6 March they left Helm's Deep at about 4.00 p.m.,". C64 says it's "1 pm".
RC538: "slowly by hidden path in lower mountains." C64: "steadily by hidden paths in the mountains,".
RC542: "30 miles east on way". C66 "30 miles on way".
RC587: " reaching Calembel on Ciril.". C66: ". Reaches Calembel on Ciril.".
RC620: "Ring destroyed". C78: "Ring is destroyed".
RC639: "July [10>] 18: Éomer returns from Rohan with picked body of Riders.". C82: "July [10>18>] 17 Éomer returns from Rohan with picked body of Riders.", and footnote 130 says the change 18>17 conflicts the text and Appendix B.
RC653: "Scheme notes that the distance from Weathertop to Bree is ninety-five miles." I can't find this in C.

Update: WCH answered in
Update2: After comparison with the pictures in JRRT: The Art of the Manuscript, I note a few more issues:

p50 their camp on the bank. > their camp on bank. Sauron will not permit > Sauron will not yet permit
p75 Missing the new moon sign Ͻ in "21 W." cell. The 3 ditto marks should be right double quotation marks, intead of left ones.
p82 As you suggested, Tolkien added an emtpy entry "Ͻ 17"[July] above "18" to remind himself of moon phase. I believe he didn't changed "18" to "17". Tolkien did the same thing on the next page, where he didn't cross out the rejected "Ͻ 17"[August], but moved it to a new place to fit the modified timeline. So p82 should have two emtpy entries "Ͻ 17"[July] "Ͻ 17"[August], and "17 21" should have "17" crossed out.
p82 It seems "19 Legolas visits the Caves of Aglarond." is modified from "18" after Tolkien changed Aug. 14 to Aug. 18.
p84 while Gandalf and Celeborn and Galadriel hold converse and council. > while Gandalf [Inserted: Elrond] Celeborn and Galadriel hold converse and council.
N. and W. > [deleted: N. and W.]
p86 They reach Bree on evening of 28. > They reach Bree on evening of 28. (95 miles)
Missing full moon sign before Oct 30.
Nov 2 and 3 are revised from 1 and 2, respectively.

June 2023 Update: WCH posts the official errata in

p. 40, January: there should be a closing square bracket after “they go by winding ways.”
p. 50, Feb 20, Company: “their camp on the bank.” > “their camp on bank.”
p. 50, Feb. 23, Orcs & Enemies: “Sauron will not permit” > “Sauron will not yet permit”
p. 52, Feb. 25, Company: “1:30” > “1.30”
p. 56, Feb. 28, Orcs and Enemies: “4:30” > 4.30;” “10:30 > 10.30;” “11:25” > “11.25.” Feb. 29: “11:20” > “11.20” (twice).
p. 57, n.69: “can run [?for] 6 mph for about 50 miles." > “can trot [?for] 6 mph for about 50 miles."
p. 60, Mar. 2, Orcs and Enemies: “(about 1 p.m)” > “(about 1 p.m.)”
p. 64, March 6, Men & Allies: Missing the full stop at the end of "They camp 20 miles or so on way".
p.64, March 7, Men & Allies: "by hidden paths in the mountains" > "by hidden path in lower mountains”
p. 66, March 10, Aragorn-Theoden: "camps 30 miles on way" > "camps 30 miles east on way".
p. 69, Note 98: Delete all from “However” to the end (redundant given p. 139)
p. 71: Note 103 is redundant vis-à-vis Note 98; delete.
p. 74, March 16, date column: The "F. 16" cell should include "LQ"
p. 75, March 21, date column: The "21.W" cell should include "Ͻ".
p. 75, March 21-23, Frodo and Sam: The curly quotes should be replaced with straight ditto marks (")
p. 82, July: “10 18 17 > “10 18.” Insert line between 7 15 and 10 18: “[Inserted:] Ͻ 17”.
p. 82, August: Insert line between 10 14 and 14 18: “[Inserted:] Ͻ 17”
p. 82, August: "17 21" > “17 21”
p. 83: Delete Note 130 (it’s nonsense, acc to the corrections above)
p. 84, Sep 6: “while Gandalf and Celeborn and Galadriel hold converse and council.” > “while Gandalf [Inserted: Elrond] Celeborn and Galadriel hold converse and council.”
p. 84, Sep 13: “Elrond Gandalf and the Hobbits are to go N. and W. towards Rivendell” > “[Inserted: Elrond] Gandalf and the Hobbits [Inserted: are to] go N. and W. towards Rivendell”
p. 85, Note 132: Delete last sentence.
p. 86, Oct 28: “They reach Bree on evening of 28.” > They reach Bree on evening of 28. (95 miles)”
p. 86, Oct 30: The “30” should be preceded by “◯”
p. 117, n. 180: “30 minutes” > “37 minutes”
p. 134: “chronological overhaul” should be followed by an exclamation point, not a full stop.
p. 136, Table 11, Mar. 9, Frodo and Sam/Before: “Dawnless Day” should be in bold, not italics. Remainder of box should be in plain text. Mar. 10: “Climbing in Ephel Duath” should be in plain text.
13 Sep, 2022 (edited)
2022-9-13 4:45:12 AM UTC
I have compared first and current editions of Humphrey Carpenter's Biography, and noted several text revisions. Most are bug fix, but I think 3 of them are mistaken, and need to be changed back to the old versions.

2.III even Ronald, loyal to Father Francis, found it hard to [obey>]follow his guardian’s wishes.

2.IV Madelener > Madlener

2.V Deputy Professor of Comparative [Philosophy >]Philology
Two children were born to them, but both died in [infancy>]childhood.

2.VII That go droning by a-whirring and a-humming. > That warn you with their whirring and their humming.
O! the little tinkling sounds: > O! the little tinkly sounds:
I don't know how Carpenter got his original version of Goblin Feet. The current version in Biography is the same as 1915 Oxford Poetry version.

3.III A third, ‘Glip’, tells of a strange slimy creature who lives beneath the floor of a cave and [has>]his pale luminous eyes. link
Looks like a wrong revision

4.I Tolkien goes into the garden to see how the broad beans are coming [along>]alone. link
Looks like a wrong revision

4.III After the Second World War he restricted this activity to examining regularly for [the Catholic University of Ireland>] various colleges in Ireland,

4.IV Tolkien was amused by this, but he [did not accept any>] accepted few of Lewis’s suggested emendations.

Indeed only by myth-making, only by becoming a ‘sub-creator’ and inventing stories, can Man [ascribe>]aspire to the state of perfection that he knew before the Fall.

6.III [W. H. Auden>] W. A. Auden link
Looks like a wrong revision

Appendix C The original text is abridged to make room for new publications after 1977.

Appendix D As his father’s literary executor he [has been faced>]was faced with the immense task of ordering The Silmarillion for publication.

I've omitted a dozen more trivial grammar edits.
22 Nov, 2022 (edited)
2022-11-22 2:53:22 AM UTC
I have more elsewhere that I will edit in here, but just spotted this so starting a post for the PoD The History of Middle Earth Index

  • p. 37 entry for Balrog(s) (VII) the Balnog described > the Balrog described
5 Dec, 2022
2022-12-5 3:56:12 AM UTC
Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator p191 has the famous Tolkien's note on Elvish Heraldry rules, including a weird line:
four was prince) 6-8 kings
where the right bracket jumped out of nowhere.

In the recent Art of the Manuscript exhibition, item 139 is the original note, with its image reproduced in the catalog. Judging from the original manuscript, this line seems to be:
four was princely 6-8 kingly

Per ibid, the exhibition board shows a slightly different reading:
four was princely 6-7 kingly

Be it 7 or 8 (I am inclined to "8" but not sure), I believe ")" and "kings" given in Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator are in error. And it's unlisted in
30 Dec, 2022
2022-12-30 11:38:59 AM UTC
I found some errata in The Silmarillion illustrated deluxe edition (2022). Some of them already showed up in previous editions, though.

p. viii, l. 18: For “Rumilian” read “Rúmilian”.
p. 108: Finrod's heraldic device is upside down.
plate facing page 190, caption: For “Rumilian” read “Rúmilian”.

In the Index of Names:
p. 305, s.v. Aldudénië: For “Elemmirë” read “Elemmírë”.
p. 312, s.v. Celebrant: For “Lothórien” read “Lothlórien”.
p. 317: Entry “Elemmirë (1)” should be “Elemmírë (1)”.
p. 317: Entry “Elemmirë (2)” should be “Elemmírë (2)”.
p. 326, s.v. Húrin: For “Dor- lómin” (1st instance) read “Dor-lómin”.
p. 340, s.v. Sirion: For “Fens of Siron” read “Fens of Sirion”.

In the Appendix:
p. 347, s.v. alda: For “Aldudenië” read “Aldudénië”.
p. 348, s.v. amarth: “Úmarth” should be in italics.
p. 352, s.v. gwaith: For “Gwaith-i-Mirdain” read “Gwaith-i-Mírdain”.
p. 352, s.v. kal- (gal-): For “Tar-calion” read “Tar-Calion”.
p. 357, s.v. ur-: For “Urolóki” read “Urulóki”. For “Urimë and Urui” read “Úrimë and Úrui”; cf. The Lord of the Rings Appendix D (revised text since 2004).
3 Jan, 2023 (edited)
2023-1-3 10:08:15 AM UTC
Feb 2023 Update: I've added several new possible typos, please refer to ... of-the-lord-of-the-rings/ instead

I have checked the 1st (1955 impression), 2nd (Ballantine 1970 impression and Allen&Unwin 1977 impression), HarperCollins 1994, 2005, 2021 editions of The Lord of the Rings to compile a change list, which is then used to locate possible errors in the latest version.
The editions I checked are quite limited (with the important missing of 1st ed 1st impression of FR, so I might mistake forms first appeared in the unauthorized 2nd impression as the earliest forms), and I only checked very few manuscripts, typescripts, proofs for further evidence, so some judgement might well be wrong.
Page numbers are according to 50th Anniversary 1 vol ed., accompanied by LR citation system.

p8, 0.2.24: There is another astonishing thing about Hobbits of old
It appears to be “thing about the Hobbits” in all editions before 1994.

p11, 0.2.36: catching blind fish with his long fingers,
“his” is not found in 1st ed. Seems to appear since c.1994.

p11, 0.2.36: when he still lived in the light
It's “lived still” in 1st ed. This change seems to enter since c.1994.

p12, 0.2.40: So it was that Gollum passed him without seeing him, and went [on] to guard the way out,
“on” can be found in 1st ed. It seems to be dropped since c.1994.

p37, 1.1.135: His reply to all inquiries was simply this
In all Tolkien’s works (LR, Lett., UT, HoMe, etc.) “inquiry/inquire/inquirer” are used only 7 times, and 6 of them in LR. But “enquiry/enquire/enquirer” are used about 70 times, including LR drafts in HoMe. I think Tolkien originally used “e”, and A&U’s printer changed most of them to “i” after their spelling guide, but missed 1 “enquiry” in p456 and 1 “enquire” in p737. There are 2 “enquiries” in the Foreword to Ballantine’s 2nd ed., which became “inquiries” in A&U’s 2nd ed., presumably also changed by A&U’s printer.

p50, 1.2.74: In the image of the One Ring inscription, the stroke in the last Tengwar letter lambe is always unbroken in editions before 1994, and broken in most editions afterwards.Pic. Presumably a typo introduced when electronic typesetting was for the first time used in 1994.

p159, 1.9.74: Now quicker the fiddle went deedle-dum-diddle;
This stanza is mistakenly adhered to the previous one since c.2000s, likely because the stanza starts on a new page in a previous typesetting. In 1st and 2nd editions this stanza does not start on a new page, thus unmistakably marked with an empty line. The new Illustrated by the Author edition corrects it.

p305, 2.4: The image of The Doors of Durin uses thicker strokes since c.1994, losing many details, such as double-lines in the arch and the large letter ando. The Tengwar letter ando below has an extra dot since c.1990, presumably a typo. Pic. Also note, in the final art for printing (Art of LR fig.46), a dot is put on almost every Tengwar long carrier (like j-shape), but since 1st edition two dots (corresponding to the two i's in Im Narvi) are lost, probably a defect in printing.

p329, 2.5.73: lt is dangerous and narrow.
For LT read IT. This typo seems to enter since 1994.

p361, 2.7.75: the Lady went into the deep green hollow
It's “a” in 1st ed. This change seems to enter since 1994.

p362, 2.7.80: and they seem to use the same word of the deceits of the Enemy.
It's “seem also to” in 1st ed. This change seems to enter since 1994.

p378, 2.8.82: The years have passed like swift draughts of the sweet mead in lofty halls beyond the West,
It's “The years have passed” in 1st ed. and “The long years have passed” in 2nd ed. Descriptive Bibliography p110 says the added “long” in the 2nd ed. is an error without explaining, and it is deleted since c.1994. But it seems Tolkien added “long” on purpose to translate yén(144 years). His translation in RGEO and DTS 55, both written in the 1960s as the 2nd ed., are also “The long years have passed”.

p.724, 4.9.55: lt may well be
For LT read IT. This typo seems to enter since 1994.

p899, 6.1.11: He ran forward to the climbing path, and over it.
It's “to the crown of the climbing path” in 1st and 2nd eds. “the crown of” is deleted in c.1994.

p899, 6.1.13: and from it rose in huge columns a swirling smoke, dusty red at the roots, black above where it merged into the billowing canopy that roofed in all the accursed land.
Tolkien's manuscripts, typescripts, proofs(Marquette 3/8/2/2a, 3/8/1/3b, 3/8/26/2a, 3/8/35/3a, 3/8/44/3a, 3/9/27/86a), 1st and 2nd eds have “dusky red”. It seems “dusty red” entered in c.1994 for unknown reason.

p988, 6.6.131 And with that he fell asleep again.
It's “fast asleep” in 1st and 2nd eds. “fast” is deleted in c.1994.

p1037: they were borne on the wind of a great storm
It's “wings” in 1st & 2nd eds and PoMe. “wind” appears to be a change in c.1994.

p1089: 2952 Elrond reveals to ‘Estel’ his true name and ancestry, and delivers to him the shards of Narsil. Arwen, newly returned from Lórien, meets Aragorn in the woods of Imladris. Aragorn goes out into the Wild.
2952 is not present in 1st and 2nd eds., first added in c.2016. As explained here, Tolkien had “2952” in his typescript and 3 proofs, but deleted it in 1 proof. Hammond & Scull think “2952” is Tolkien's intention. However, maybe Tolkien deleted 2952 because he was undecided on Aragorn’s birthday. 1st edition of Appendix B only said he was born in 2931. And Appendix A said he was “only twenty years of age” when he met Arwen “on a greenward”. So they'd meet in the spring or summer of 2951 if Aragorn was born in, say, March; or in 2952 if he was born in August. After the 2nd edition Aragorn’s birthday is fixed on March 1, so they could only meet in 2951.

p1079: The Line of the Dwarves of Erebor
The draft (PoMe 277) and 1st impression have a dotted line between Durin the Deathless and Durin VI, suggesting there are generations between them, just as the line between Thorin III and Durin VII (1994 edition mistakenly changed this line to solid line, which is then restored in the 2000s). By 1st edition 10th impression it already becomes a solid line. This seems to be a typo. Pic

p1100: Baggins Family Tree
In the 1st & 2nd editions Minto has no underline. This might be first added in 1994. Indeed, it’s reasonable to assume he was at Bilbo’s party, but maybe he was absent for some reasons?

p1109, D.12: The additional Litheday was added after Mid-year’s Day, and so the 184th day of the Leap-years was called Overlithe and was a day of special merrymaking.
“was” is not present in 1st and 2nd eds. Presumably first added in 1994. This looks like a mistake: the original expression suggests the additional Litheday is added every leap-year, whereas the new expression suggests it is added every year.

p1122, E.2.i.16: The sign for following w (required for the expression of au, aw) was in this mode the u-curl or a modification of it ~.
According to Tolkien's Tengwar specimen, this sign for “-w” resembles “⥊”. Actually, in one typescript Tolkien inserted the special signs by hand-writing, and this sign is also hand written and resembles “⥊”. (Marquette 3/9/13/10a) Apparently the printer chose ~ because that's the nearest sign they knew.

p1125, Angerthas values: in this table letters 55&56 have not values. Actually according to a proof auctioned in 2022, the original version has many hand-written special signs which didn't enter into the print version. Apparently the printer only typeset the signs they knew. After comparison with an earlier manuscript (Marquette 3/9/17/1a), I believe Tolkien's intention is:
17 (ny)nj—z
36 [ss]z—ŋ
45 ü, ǖ
52 ö, œ
55 ə*
56 ʌ*
(ny), [ss], ǖ, œ, ə, ʌ are lost in the print version since 1955.

p1130, F.1.21: formed of a multiplicity of vowel-shades and distinctions of tone and quality which even the lore-masters of the Eldar had not attempted to represent in writing.
The typescripts and proofs(Marquette 3/9/18/4a, 3/9/20/97a, 3/9/21/43a, 3/9/22/52a, Mss 4/2/8/6a, Mss-4/2/10/4a), 1st & 2nd eds. all have “quantity”. The change to “quality” is likely since c.1994.

p1132, F.1.30: of things that take shape under the hands of the craftsman rather than things that live by their own life.
1st ed. & Ballantine 2nd ed have “craftsmen rather than of things”. Unwin 2nd ed & 1994 ed. have “craftsmen rather than things”. The change to “craftsman rather than things” appears to be since c.2002.

p1044, A.1.iii.23: the length of the lives of [the] Dúnedain
p1115, E.1.4: represent long [or>,] ‘double’ consonants.
p1123, E.2.i.19: Where there are variants this is due to the names being given before certain changes [that] affected Quenya as spoken by the Exiles.
p1131, F.1.22†: made some attempts to represent [the] shorter murmurs
p1133, F.2.2: Some attempt has been made to represent [these] varieties by variations in the kind of English used;
p1133, F.2.3: One point in the divergence may here be noted, since, though [often] important, it has proved impossible to represent.
p1133, F.2.3: in his first few days in Minas Tirith used the familiar for[ms to] people of all ranks,
p1135, F.2.10: There are many inevitable but accidental resemblances to names [that] we now have or know:
p1137, F.2.19: I have ventured to use the form dwarves, and [so] remove them a little,
The words in brackets are in 1st & 2nd eds. These are lost since c.1994.
19 Jan, 2023 (edited)
2023-1-19 4:56:42 AM UTC
Possible issues in Tolkien's letter to Milton Waldman and Nomenclature as published in The Lord of the Rings: A Reader's Companion (2014 edition). Some are just differences between two editions, and some might be Tolkien's own mistakes, so those might well be left unchanged. They are included only for completeness.

p.742 Tolkien: Les racines du légendaire, La Feuille de la Compagnie, Cahier d’études tolkieniennes 2
"La Feuille de la Compagnie" is the name of the journal. Its vol.1 named "Cahier d'études tolkieniennes", vol.2 "Tolkien, les racines du légendaire" (though the title of vol.1 is also written on its cover). The letter is published in vol.2. So I guess it should be "Tolkien: Les racines du légendaire, La Feuille de la Compagnie 2". This is how most French sites list it.

p.747 In the last pages of this Book we see the hopeless defeat of the forlorn hope. The hobbit among them (Peregrin) falls under the weight of the slain,
In the Tolkien: Les racines du légendaire version, there is one more sentence in between: "Surrounded, hopelessly outnumbered, they await the end." I'm unsure which version is correct.

p.747 αριστεία
In Tolkien: Les racines du légendaire, this word is "ἀριστεία", which appears to be the standard Greek spelling. I'm unsure which is the one used in the typescript.

p.748 unnatural prolongation.
In Tolkien: Les racines du légendaire, it's "unnatural prolongation of life."

p.748 a marvellous restoration and enhancement of bounty
In Tolkien: Les racines du légendaire, it's "beauty" instead of "bounty", which seems more reasonable.

p.750 Swedish (Sagan om ringen)
Sagan om ringen is the Swedish translation of FR (though later it became popular to use that to refer to the whole 3 volumes). The official name of LR in Åke Ohlmarks's translation is Härskarringen.

p.753 "Buchbein" under entry "Beechbone" might be a mistake for "Buchebein". Ger. Buch "book", Buche "beech", Buchen "beeches, Fagus".

p.758 The version in A Tolkien Compass has an extra entry before "Flourdumpling":
Fladrif. See Leaflock.

p.759 It seems the original entry order was Greyhame, Grey Host, Grey Pilgrim, as shown in A Tolkien Compass, because Tolkien said "By-name in Rohan of Gandalf" in Greyhame entry, and "Another by-name of Gandalf" in Grey Pilgrim entry. I guess Hammond & Scull (or Tolkien in a later typescript) changed their order, but didn't notice "another by-name" now appeared before the first "by-name".

p.759 "Heidezehn" under entry "Heathertoes" is probably a misspelling of "Heidezehen" (which actually is the name used in the German translation). Ger. Zehn "ten", Zehen "toes".

p.763 "OHG(faks)" under entry "Shadowfax" might be a misspelling of "OHG(fahs)". Only the latter can be found in OED (under "fax"), Althochdeutsches Wörterbuch (Old High German Dictionary), or other dictionaries.

p.763 The version in A Tolkien Compass has "Compare Leaflock." in "Skinbark" entry.

p.764 The version in A Tolkien Compass has "see Whitfurrows under place-names." in "Whitfoot" entry.

p.765 The version in A Tolkien Compass has "S. Baránduin" (with acute sign) and "brown, yellow-brown" (additional comma) in "Baránduin" entry.

p.769 The Swed. Dunharva may be suspected to have taken harrow as the implement (harf).
The version in A Tolkien Compass has "(Swedish harv)". It seems Tolkien would mean "harv", as that's the form used in the Swedish translation. Also the Swedish word for harrow is "harv/harva" indeed, whereas "harf" is Old Swedish.

p.772-3 "Isengard, Isenmouthe" entry says the Swedish translation used Isengard and Isensgap. Åke Ohlmarks actually used several names for them as shown in his Tolkien-lexikon, usually Isengård and Isens gap. Isensgap appears to be unused. (I don't have the 1st Swedish edition, but those translations are confirmed in a 2001 reprint and online discussions.)

p.775 The version in A Tolkien Compass has "(pronounced )" behind "In E., owing to its reduction to ".

p.775 Tolkien said Swedish translation used Fylki for Shire. The actually used word appears to be "Fylke" ... /2up?view=theater&q=Fylke , ... /page/92/mode/2up?q=Fylke . And this is the form usually used in Swedish:

p.779 The version in A Tolkien Compass has "Compare Whitfoot." in "Whitfurrows" entry.

p.779 Tolkien said Swedish translation used Vittespring for Withywindle. The actually used word appears to be "Vitte spring" ... /page/18/mode/2up?q=Vitte , ... age/258/mode/2up?q=Vitte+

p.780 The version in A Tolkien Compass has "evighetsblommor" instead of "evighets-blommor" in "Evermind" entry. This seems like the correct form, as it is the form used in the Swedish translation: see ... theater&q=simbelmyn%C3%AB ... de/2up?q=evighetsblommor)

p.780 The version in A Tolkien Compass has "leaf" instead of "-leaf" in "Kingsfoil" entry, which makes more sense.

p.781 It appears Tolkien or the editors made a mistake in "pä" under entry "Lithe". The actual Swedish version has "på" (means "on"), see ... r&q=%22Han+valdes+vart%22 . "pä" appears not to be a Swedish word.

There are also a few places where A Tolkien Compass used "ð" (which seems to be the common practice) in OE words whereas Reader's Companion used "th".
28 Jan, 2023
2023-1-28 7:44:05 AM UTC
I find a set of first edition of LR (including 1st printing of RK), thus making a major update of my LR textual change list and errata suggestion.
I've also compiled a LR kindle edition errata: ... of-the-lord-of-the-rings/
23 Feb, 2023
2023-2-23 4:17:39 PM UTC
I am spending time in this book recently, so I will update this post as I note things.

Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien (eBook)
  • Letter 255: "He says: pam is norna cenned/fyrnstreama geflotan Fastitocalon, ‘to him is a name appointed, to the floater in the ancient tides, Fastitocalon’. => þam is noma
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