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At It Again [eBay fakes]

15 Aug, 2010 (edited)
2010-8-15 9:01:32 PM UTC

Here is a signed copy from our favorite seller. When will the madness end... ... t=Antiquarian_Collectible
6 Sep, 2010
2010-9-6 4:47:31 PM UTC
Please note I have no coa for this signature so will sell as signed after Tolkien,as per ebay rules.

What does this mean?

Could the people in this article have got off jail time by saying it was 'signed after'? ... f-art-forgery-764032.html
1 Nov, 2010
2010-11-1 9:44:29 PM UTC
Perhaps a new moniker for one of our old 'friends' ... tible&hash=item27b6373a86
17 Nov, 2010 (edited)
2010-11-17 6:27:25 PM UTC
18 Nov, 2010
2010-11-18 5:08:45 AM UTC
I noticed we had a response from the Tolkien Estate to another post on this forum, I'd really like to see them get involved with stopping this seller from selling anymore 'Tolkien' signed items.
4 Jan, 2011 (edited)
2011-1-4 7:04:29 PM UTC
4 Jan, 2011
2011-1-4 9:53:03 PM UTC
Clearly an allegorical treatment of Tolkien's feelings on the death of CS Lewis- 'An axe-blow near the roots'.

I wish I were as clever as the vendor, 'cos then I might have a clue as to what this bit is about -

"The work is not supplied with certificate of authenticity and guarantee (as has never been subject to assessment, evaluation expertise) and then, having regard to the recognition and similarity to the stykle of the author, is proposed as a copy of copyright, falsecopyright, in the manner of the author, under Article 8 of the Law of 20 November 1971, n.1062 (Official Gazette No. 318 on December 17)"

As it is, I'm stumped (pardon the pun).
4 Jan, 2011
2011-1-4 10:32:59 PM UTC
Heh. Here is my take at translating:

"The work is not supplied with certificate of authenticity and guarantee (as has never been subject to assessment, evaluation expertise)..."

"This has never been seen by an expert..."

"and then, having regard to the recognition and similarity to the style of the author,..."

"but it looks like Tolkien's artwork to me..."

"is proposed as a copy of copyright, falsecopyright, in the manner of the author,..."

"so I hereby state that this is a fake..."

"under Article 8 of the Law of 20 November 1971, n.1062 (Official Gazette No. 318 on December 17)"

"with some really official sounding garbage to make this seem real."
5 Jan, 2011
2011-1-5 5:21:41 AM UTC
Just found this in my loft (I think it was a present for a Doctor Higgins), and I offer the same guarantees as the eBay seller.

10_4d240154b9a9d.jpg 262X400 px
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