Letter Tags
Mabel writes to her two son's grandmother on the Tolkien side (mother of her late husband) enclosing drawings by the boys. They have worked on them duri...
Stanley Unwin sends to Tolkien the contract duplicate. This is noted by Hammond/Scull as the final step for accepting the Hobbit for publication and on ...
C. A. Furth of GA&U writes to Tolkien on matters of his illustrations for The Hobbit. His drawings are admirable and blocks for them are being produced....
Susan Dagnall of GA&U writes to Tolkien asking if he can keep one day free, either 13 or 14 February, for her and C. A. Furth to visit Tolkien to discus...
Tolkien in reply to Susan Dagnall's letter sent that morning, , notes that he can keep either 13 or 14 February free. He includes the original drawing o...
Susan Dagnall writes to Tolkien, correcting a misstatement in her previous letter . Thror's Map will have to be used as an endpaper due to costs, but no...
GA&U sends to Tolkien the remaining proofs of The Hobbit and ask that he restricts any corrections to those unavoidable. They further ask that he try to...
C. A. Furth of GA&U writes to Tolkien to inform him that the 'fine lines' in The Trolls illustration have broken when reproduced, but that there is no r...
Tolkien writes to C. A. Furth of GA&U acknowledging the two drawings which were “safely received”, he has placed them in the correct positions among...
Tolkien returns to GA&U the remaining proofs, end-papers, and suggestions for them of The Hobbit.
Writing to C. A. Furth of GA&U, Tolkien hopes that the proofs for The Hobbit will arrive with him during his vacation. He also notes that he will attemp...
In reply to Tolkien's letter, C.A. Furth writes to say that the printers have decided to revise the whole of The Hobbit. Tolkien should receive some of ...
C.A. Furth writes to Tolkien. He makes mention that the margins around the Hobbit illustrations will be adjusted before the final printing and apologize...
Furth writes to Tolkien to say that the red will have to be removed from The Hobbit jacket and the sun will have an outline to highlight it. This letter...
C. A. Furth informs Tolkien that a US publisher is interested in publishing The Hobbit and they would like to add four colour illustrations to the book....
This two-page handwritten letter contains some of Tolkien's thoughts on the potential publication of The Hobbit in the USA. Tolkien can make illustratio...
In reply to Tolkien's letter asking about the US publisher interested in The Hobbit, C. A. Furth gives details. It is the Houghton Mifflin Company (HMC)...
GA&U send to Tolkien (for his approval) proof copies of The Hobbit dust-jacket.
GA&U send to Tolkien (for his approval) sample bindings for The Hobbit.
Tolkien, writing to GA&U approves the dust-jacket for The Hobbit but feels the sun would be better with a finer outline. He prefers the green binding an...
In this three-page handwritten letter, Tolkien writes to his publisher about the release date for The Hobbit, going on at length about how it would be b...
Writing to Tolkien, C. A. Furth of GA&U asks him to return the approved binding for The Hobbit. He agrees that the 'wavy line' will be removed, but says...
Tolkien writes to C. A. Furth asking that copies of The Hobbit be sent to R. W. Chambers and George S. Gordon. He says that GA&U can use the colour illu...
Furth confirms that he has sent the copies of the Hobbit to the people Tolkien requested. He includes the drawing of a dragon that Tolkien had produced ...
Tolkien sends the last two colour drawings for the American edition of The Hobbit and asks GA&U to send it on to Houghton Mifflin. he also asks about a ...
In a letter to Tolkien, C. A. Furth notes that he has written to Houghton Mifflin asking that Tolkien's specimen drawings be returned and asks them to c...
C.A. Furth informs Tolkien that Houghton Mifflin Co. will pay him $100 for use of his illustrations for their edition of The Hobbit, due to be (and ulti...
C.A. Furth writes to update Tolkien on their efforts to get the reprint of The Hobbit out for the Christmas rush. The demand for it is high, GA&U had to...
C.A. Furth writes to Tolkien, enclosing his manuscript of Mr. Bliss. He includes some instructions explaining how best to reproduce the illustrations an...
Tolkien replies to C.A. Furth regarding the return of Mr. Bliss. Tolkien expresses regret for any trouble caused and wishes someone could redraw the pic...
Tolkien informs his publisher that Houghton Mifflin are yet to return to him the five orginal watercolour paintings for The Hobbit.
Further to their letters on Mr. Bliss, C.A. Furth writes to Tolkien remarking that Mr. Bliss could be reproduced in the same manner as the Beatrix Potte...
Houghton Mifflin Co. send the five colour illustrations to GA&U discussed late in 1937.
GA&U send the five colour illustrations (sent from Houghton Mifflin Co.) to Tolkien. In their Companion and Guide, Chronology, p. 223, Wayne Hammond and...
Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull note on their 'Addenda and Corrigenda to The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide Revised and Enlarged Edition (2017) Vo...
Tolkien expresses reluctance to create drawings of hobbits and suggests leaving such tasks to someone with artistic skills. He provides a description of...
Writing to C.A. Furth, Tolkien offers an update with his work on The Lord of the Rings. He has not worked on since December but feels it is a better wor...
Horus Engels wanted to produce a German translation of The Hobbit and sent letters to Tolkien on the matter. In this response to something Tolkien had s...
Tolkien apologizes for the delay in responding to a letter sent in July and explains that he has been preoccupied with philology due to academic commitm...
GA&U had decided that Milein Cosman would illustrate Farmer Giles of Ham, a point that Tolkien did not approve of. He likened her artwork to that of Top...
In reply to Tolkien's letter of 5 August (see #TCGLetter268) Ronald Eames says that George Allen & Unwin have decided to not use the illustrations of Mi...
Ronald Eames writes various artists, among them is Pauline Baynes, a young artist who will go on to illustrate many Tolkien books and become a life-long...
It has been decided that Pauline Baynes will now illustrate Farmer Giles of Ham. Tolkien is delighted with this news.
Tolkien replies stating he is very pleased at the illustrations for Farmer Giles of Ham. He says that after seeing the images, his friends, "very justly...
Tolkien, writing to Allen & Unwin, encloses possible jacket designs, one for The Fellowship of the Ring, and another for The Two Towers. Describing them...
Tolkien likes the illustrations that he has been sent, and discusses his own drawing skills. He has sent the drawings to Allen & Unwin, but has little h...
Tolkien wrote to his publisher saying that he was being "honoured/or pestered by would-be illustrators".
Tolkien apologizes for making Doris Sykes "anxious", explaining that had been very busy. He says that the publisher does not intend to make an illustrat...
Tolkien writes to a former student, Sarah Harvey, about an exchange they had involving some drawings. Hammond and Scull note that:
Tolkien discusses the artist Cor Blok's pictures and whether any artist could do justice to the noble and heroic in his works.
Tolkien suggests a book about Tom Bombadil as "an interim amusement" that wouldn't cost too much. He suggests Pauline Baynes as illustrator.
Rayner tells Tolkien that he has sent the Tom Bombadil poems to Pauline Baynes to get her thoughts.
Tolkien notes the evolution of the The Adventure's of Tom Bombadil,
Tolkien writes to Pauline Baynes about Farmer Giles of Ham translations.
Tolkien writes to Corr Blok about Blok's Exhibition of his paintings and offers to buy two of them, "The Battle of the Hornburg" and "The Dead Marshes".
Tolkien notes his admiration of Baynes working practices and laments his own. He again asks for Baynes to work on the book and hopes for a visit. He con...
Pauline Baynes, who was illustrating The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, pointed out that the typescript of the title poem described Tom as wearing a peacoc...
Ronald Eames of George Allen & Unwin writes to Pauline Baynes. They are delighted with the first instalment for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other...
Tolkien sends his reaction to the first pictures produced for the book:
Allen & Unwin write to Pauline Baynes regarding a mock-up for the new book.
Tolkien writes to Rayner, agreeing on a visit to London on 22 August. He has written to Pauline, and today receives a reply from her that she is proceed...
Tolkien sends his comments on the illustrations by Pauline Baynes to Rayner Unwin. Extracts are found in The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Chronol...
Mr. Elliot-Howard had written to Tolkien telling him of his adventures travelling around the world with his copy of The Lord of the Rings.
Tolkien writes to his secretary about the American deluxe Hobbit proposal, which had sent him a specimen of artwork from Virgil Finlay. He has some issu...
Tolkien sends Roberts's letter about serializing The Hobbit in Princess magazine to his publisher. He is in principle ok with the idea as the fee seems ...
Tolkien writes a short note to Mr. Hepworth, the father of Jonathan who had sent Tolkien a drawing of Mordor. He thanks Mr. Hepworth for his letter and ...
It had been agreed that the new paperback (see no. 248) should be given the title Tree and Leaf. Rayner Unwin asked if Tolkien could suggest a suitable ...
Olney from Tolkien's American publisher Houghton Mifflin writes to Tolkien saying that they have decided not to commission Virgil Finlay to illustrate T...
Rayner Unwin says that the artwork for the Lord of the Rings have been safely collected, they look marvellous, Rayner will take to Tolkien as soon as ca...
Rayner Unwin of GA&U writing to Pauline Baynes, as "said in my scribbled postscript we all of us are entranced by your design for the box of The Lord of...
Tolkien is not happy with the design of HMCo's Tree and Leaf.
Tolkien really does not like the design of HMCo's Tree and Leaf. He comments negatively on Carole Ward's proposal for a serialization of The Lord of the...
Joy has sent Tolkien a copy of The Children's Treasury of Literature, which includes a chapter from The Hobbit. Tolkien thinks the illustrations by Robe...
Tolkien says he has not been informed as to the status of a German translation of The Lord of the Rings. He notes that a "proposed translator was turned...
Ronald Eames of GA&U writes to Pauline Baynes. Her illustrations for Smith of Wootton Major are delightful. He is certain Tolkien will be pleased. he ag...
Mary Fairburn has sent some of her illustrations for The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien really likes them and thinks they could be in an illustrated version...
A letter to Mary Fairburn about her illustrations for The Lord of the Rings - he has not yet shown her drawings to Rayner Unwin. He doesn't think an ill...
Tolkien is distressed at Mary Fairburn's situation and offers to financially help her. Mary Fairburn had sent Tolkien some illustrations to view, which ...
Letter to Mary Fairburn declining acquiring all of her pictures as he does not have wall space to hang them, but he is interested in her Mirror of Galad...
Tolkien writes with remarks about Pauline Baynes' Middle-earth poster, mentioning that he thinks the only error on the printed map is Enedwaith for Ened...
Bengt Söderhäll of Sweden writes to Pauline Baynes praising her illustrations in books by Tolkien. Since it is impossible to write a personal letter t...
Joy Hill writes to Pauline Baynes, she says that one day last week she produced 44 letters for Tolkien. Rayner Unwin will see her poster A Map of Middle...
Pauline's A Map of Middle-earth is a masterpiece writes Rayner Unwin, as he believes Tolkien himself has already told her. Rayner did not write down the...
Ernest Shepard was asked to illustrate The Lord of the Rings, but declines, as he has not read the book. He recommends a fellow illustrator in his place...
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes writes that A Map of Middle-earth is selling well, and they already plan a reprint. They are now thinking of a poster map...
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes says that GA&U are very happy to commission the Hobbit map, entitled There and Back Again] as soon as she can fit it in, ...
Rayner Unwin comments that they are delighted that Baynes will do the Hobbit map entitled 'There and Back Again'. There is no urgency and a few months d...
Rayner Unwin has sent via Joy Hill blowups from the The Lord of the Rings of area the There and Back Again map would need to cover. It has much some det...
Rayner Unwin notes that GA&U are delighted with There and Back Again map and that Tolkien is unqualified in his praise. ‘He loved your visit . . . des...
Rayner Unwin is quite happy with the different method of payment but is re-sending the cheque for £150 that she returned to him. He outlines new method...
Guide to Tolkien's Letters
(92 letters match)1903
Christmas 1903
Mabel Tolkien to Mary Jane Tolkien (Stowe)
Mabel writes to her two son's grandmother on the Tolkien side (mother of her late husband) enclosing drawings by the boys. They have worked on them duri...
2 December 1936
Stanley Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Stanley Unwin sends to Tolkien the contract duplicate. This is noted by Hammond/Scull as the final step for accepting the Hobbit for publication and on ...
7 January 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
C. A. Furth of GA&U writes to Tolkien on matters of his illustrations for The Hobbit. His drawings are admirable and blocks for them are being produced....
23 January 1937
Susan Dagnall to J.R.R. Tolkien
Susan Dagnall of GA&U writes to Tolkien asking if he can keep one day free, either 13 or 14 February, for her and C. A. Furth to visit Tolkien to discus...
23 January 1937
J.R.R. Tolkien to Susan Dagnall
Tolkien in reply to Susan Dagnall's letter sent that morning, , notes that he can keep either 13 or 14 February free. He includes the original drawing o...
1 February 1937
Susan Dagnall to J.R.R. Tolkien
Susan Dagnall writes to Tolkien, correcting a misstatement in her previous letter . Thror's Map will have to be used as an endpaper due to costs, but no...
24 February 1937
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
GA&U sends to Tolkien the remaining proofs of The Hobbit and ask that he restricts any corrections to those unavoidable. They further ask that he try to...
24 February 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
C. A. Furth of GA&U writes to Tolkien to inform him that the 'fine lines' in The Trolls illustration have broken when reproduced, but that there is no r...
?10 March 1937
J.R.R. Tolkien to C.A. Furth
Carpenter #11b
Tolkien writes to C. A. Furth of GA&U acknowledging the two drawings which were “safely received”, he has placed them in the correct positions among...
?10 March 1937
J.R.R. Tolkien to George Allen & Unwin
Tolkien returns to GA&U the remaining proofs, end-papers, and suggestions for them of The Hobbit.
30 March 1937
J.R.R. Tolkien to C.A. Furth
Writing to C. A. Furth of GA&U, Tolkien hopes that the proofs for The Hobbit will arrive with him during his vacation. He also notes that he will attemp...
31 March 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
In reply to Tolkien's letter, C.A. Furth writes to say that the printers have decided to revise the whole of The Hobbit. Tolkien should receive some of ...
15 April 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.A. Furth writes to Tolkien. He makes mention that the margins around the Hobbit illustrations will be adjusted before the final printing and apologize...
28 April 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Furth writes to Tolkien to say that the red will have to be removed from The Hobbit jacket and the sun will have an outline to highlight it. This letter...
11 May 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
C. A. Furth informs Tolkien that a US publisher is interested in publishing The Hobbit and they would like to add four colour illustrations to the book....
13 May 1937
J.R.R. Tolkien to C.A. Furth
Carpenter #13
This two-page handwritten letter contains some of Tolkien's thoughts on the potential publication of The Hobbit in the USA. Tolkien can make illustratio...
14 May 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
In reply to Tolkien's letter asking about the US publisher interested in The Hobbit, C. A. Furth gives details. It is the Houghton Mifflin Company (HMC)...
22 May 1937
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
GA&U send to Tolkien (for his approval) proof copies of The Hobbit dust-jacket.
26 May 1937
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
GA&U send to Tolkien (for his approval) sample bindings for The Hobbit.
28 May 1937
J.R.R. Tolkien to Allen & Unwin
Tolkien, writing to GA&U approves the dust-jacket for The Hobbit but feels the sun would be better with a finer outline. He prefers the green binding an...
28 May 1937
J.R.R. Tolkien to Allen & Unwin Ltd.
Carpenter #14
In this three-page handwritten letter, Tolkien writes to his publisher about the release date for The Hobbit, going on at length about how it would be b...
1 June 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Writing to Tolkien, C. A. Furth of GA&U asks him to return the approved binding for The Hobbit. He agrees that the 'wavy line' will be removed, but says...
13 August 1937
J.R.R. Tolkien to C.A. Furth
Tolkien writes to C. A. Furth asking that copies of The Hobbit be sent to R. W. Chambers and George S. Gordon. He says that GA&U can use the colour illu...
16 August 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
Furth confirms that he has sent the copies of the Hobbit to the people Tolkien requested. He includes the drawing of a dragon that Tolkien had produced ...
31 August 1937
J.R.R. Tolkien to C.A. Furth (Allen & Unwin)
Carpenter #15
Tolkien sends the last two colour drawings for the American edition of The Hobbit and asks GA&U to send it on to Houghton Mifflin. he also asks about a ...
4 September 1937
C.A. Furth (GA&U) to J.R.R. Tolkien
In a letter to Tolkien, C. A. Furth notes that he has written to Houghton Mifflin asking that Tolkien's specimen drawings be returned and asks them to c...
27 September 1937
C.A. Furth to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.A. Furth informs Tolkien that Houghton Mifflin Co. will pay him $100 for use of his illustrations for their edition of The Hobbit, due to be (and ulti...
17 December 1937
C.A. Furth to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.A. Furth writes to update Tolkien on their efforts to get the reprint of The Hobbit out for the Christmas rush. The demand for it is high, GA&U had to...
15 February 1938
C.A. Furth to J.R.R. Tolkien
C.A. Furth writes to Tolkien, enclosing his manuscript of Mr. Bliss. He includes some instructions explaining how best to reproduce the illustrations an...
17 February 1938
J.R.R. Tolkien to C.A. Furth
Carpenter #23
Tolkien replies to C.A. Furth regarding the return of Mr. Bliss. Tolkien expresses regret for any trouble caused and wishes someone could redraw the pic...
17 February 1938
J.R.R. Tolkien to Allen & Unwin
Tolkien informs his publisher that Houghton Mifflin are yet to return to him the five orginal watercolour paintings for The Hobbit.
19 February 1938
C.A. Furth to J.R.R. Tolkien
Further to their letters on Mr. Bliss, C.A. Furth writes to Tolkien remarking that Mr. Bliss could be reproduced in the same manner as the Beatrix Potte...
Late February - early March, no later than 5 March
Houghton Mifflin Co. to George Allen & Unwin
Houghton Mifflin Co. send the five colour illustrations to GA&U discussed late in 1937.
5 March 1938
George Allen & Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
GA&U send the five colour illustrations (sent from Houghton Mifflin Co.) to Tolkien. In their Companion and Guide, Chronology, p. 223, Wayne Hammond and...
5 March 1938
J.R.R. Tolkien to Ferris Greenslet
Wayne Hammond and Christina Scull note on their 'Addenda and Corrigenda to The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide Revised and Enlarged Edition (2017) Vo...
12 March 1938
J.R.R. Tolkien to Houghton Mifflin Co.
Carpenter #27
Tolkien expresses reluctance to create drawings of hobbits and suggests leaving such tasks to someone with artistic skills. He provides a description of...
2 February 1939
J.R.R. Tolkien to C.A. Furth
Carpenter #35
Writing to C.A. Furth, Tolkien offers an update with his work on The Lord of the Rings. He has not worked on since December but feels it is a better wor...
1 November 1946
Horus Engels to J.R.R. Tolkien
Horus Engels wanted to produce a German translation of The Hobbit and sent letters to Tolkien on the matter. In this response to something Tolkien had s...
21 September 1947
J.R.R. Tolkien to Stanley Unwin
Carpenter #111
Tolkien apologizes for the delay in responding to a letter sent in July and explains that he has been preoccupied with philology due to academic commitm...
5 August 1948
J.R.R. Tolkien to Allen & Unwin Ltd.
Carpenter #116
GA&U had decided that Milein Cosman would illustrate Farmer Giles of Ham, a point that Tolkien did not approve of. He likened her artwork to that of Top...
10 August 1948
George Allen & Unwin (Ronald Eames) to J.R.R. Tolkien
In reply to Tolkien's letter of 5 August (see #TCGLetter268) Ronald Eames says that George Allen & Unwin have decided to not use the illustrations of Mi...
10 August 1948
George Allen & Unwin (Ronald Eames) to Pauline Baynes
Ronald Eames writes various artists, among them is Pauline Baynes, a young artist who will go on to illustrate many Tolkien books and become a life-long...
16 March 1949
J.R.R. Tolkien to Allen & Unwin Ltd.
Carpenter #120
It has been decided that Pauline Baynes will now illustrate Farmer Giles of Ham. Tolkien is delighted with this news.
4 June 1949
J.R.R. Tolkien to Pauline Baynes
Tolkien replies stating he is very pleased at the illustrations for Farmer Giles of Ham. He says that after seeing the images, his friends, "very justly...
23 March 1954
J.R.R. Tolkien to Allen & Unwin
Carpenter #143b
Tolkien, writing to Allen & Unwin, encloses possible jacket designs, one for The Fellowship of the Ring, and another for The Two Towers. Describing them...
28 January 1956
J.R.R. Tolkien to Doris Elizabeth Sykes
Tolkien likes the illustrations that he has been sent, and discusses his own drawing skills. He has sent the drawings to Allen & Unwin, but has little h...
29 April 1956
J.R.R. Tolkien to George Allen & Unwin
Tolkien wrote to his publisher saying that he was being "honoured/or pestered by would-be illustrators".
?Early July 1956
J.R.R. Tolkien to Doris Elizabeth Sykes
Tolkien apologizes for making Doris Sykes "anxious", explaining that had been very busy. He says that the publisher does not intend to make an illustrat...
18 February 1960
J.R.R. Tolkien to Sarah Harvey
Tolkien writes to a former student, Sarah Harvey, about an exchange they had involving some drawings. Hammond and Scull note that:
23 May 1961
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Tolkien discusses the artist Cor Blok's pictures and whether any artist could do justice to the noble and heroic in his works.
11 October 1961
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Tolkien suggests a book about Tom Bombadil as "an interim amusement" that wouldn't cost too much. He suggests Pauline Baynes as illustrator.
18 November 1961
Rayner Unwin to J.R.R. Tolkien
Rayner tells Tolkien that he has sent the Tom Bombadil poems to Pauline Baynes to get her thoughts.
23 November 1961
J.R.R. Tolkien to Pauline Baynes
Tolkien notes the evolution of the The Adventure's of Tom Bombadil,
28 December 1961
J.R.R. Tolkien to Pauline Baynes
Tolkien writes to Pauline Baynes about Farmer Giles of Ham translations.
1 February 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Cor Blok
Tolkien writes to Corr Blok about Blok's Exhibition of his paintings and offers to buy two of them, "The Battle of the Hornburg" and "The Dead Marshes".
25 June 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Pauline Baynes
Tolkien notes his admiration of Baynes working practices and laments his own. He again asks for Baynes to work on the book and hopes for a visit. He con...
1 August 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Pauline Baynes
Carpenter #240
Pauline Baynes, who was illustrating The Adventures of Tom Bombadil, pointed out that the typescript of the title poem described Tom as wearing a peacoc...
1 August 1962
Allen & Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Ronald Eames of George Allen & Unwin writes to Pauline Baynes. They are delighted with the first instalment for The Adventures of Tom Bombadil and Other...
3 August 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Pauline Baynes
Tolkien sends his reaction to the first pictures produced for the book:
7 August 1962
Allen & Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Allen & Unwin write to Pauline Baynes regarding a mock-up for the new book.
9 August 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Tolkien writes to Rayner, agreeing on a visit to London on 22 August. He has written to Pauline, and today receives a reply from her that she is proceed...
29 August 1962
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Tolkien sends his comments on the illustrations by Pauline Baynes to Rayner Unwin. Extracts are found in The J.R.R. Tolkien Companion and Guide: Chronol...
12 February 1963
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr. Elliot-Howard
Mr. Elliot-Howard had written to Tolkien telling him of his adventures travelling around the world with his copy of The Lord of the Rings.
11 October 1963
J.R.R. Tolkien to Joy Hill
Tolkien writes to his secretary about the American deluxe Hobbit proposal, which had sent him a specimen of artwork from Virgil Finlay. He has some issu...
12 December 1963
J.R.R. Tolkien to Allen & Unwin
Tolkien sends Roberts's letter about serializing The Hobbit in Princess magazine to his publisher. He is in principle ok with the idea as the fee seems ...
18 December 1963
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mr. Hepworth
Tolkien writes a short note to Mr. Hepworth, the father of Jonathan who had sent Tolkien a drawing of Mordor. He thanks Mr. Hepworth for his letter and ...
23 December 1963
J.R.R. Tolkien to Rayner Unwin
Carpenter #253
It had been agreed that the new paperback (see no. 248) should be given the title Tree and Leaf. Rayner Unwin asked if Tolkien could suggest a suitable ...
20 February 1964
Austin Olney to J.R.R. Tolkien
Olney from Tolkien's American publisher Houghton Mifflin writes to Tolkien saying that they have decided not to commission Virgil Finlay to illustrate T...
30 July 1964
Rayner Unwin (George Allen & Unwin) to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin says that the artwork for the Lord of the Rings have been safely collected, they look marvellous, Rayner will take to Tolkien as soon as ca...
4 August 1964
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin of GA&U writing to Pauline Baynes, as "said in my scribbled postscript we all of us are entranced by your design for the box of The Lord of...
10 September 1964
J.R.R. Tolkien to Houghton Mifflin
Carpenter #263
Tolkien is not happy with the design of HMCo's Tree and Leaf.
11 September 1964
J.R.R. Tolkien to Joy Hill
Carpenter #264
Tolkien really does not like the design of HMCo's Tree and Leaf. He comments negatively on Carole Ward's proposal for a serialization of The Lord of the...
5 January 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Joy Hill
Joy has sent Tolkien a copy of The Children's Treasury of Literature, which includes a chapter from The Hobbit. Tolkien thinks the illustrations by Robe...
16 March 1967
J.R.R. Tolkien to Hans-Jörg Modlmayr
Tolkien says he has not been informed as to the status of a German translation of The Lord of the Rings. He notes that a "proposed translator was turned...
17 July 1967
Ronald Eames to Pauline Baynes
Ronald Eames of GA&U writes to Pauline Baynes. Her illustrations for Smith of Wootton Major are delightful. He is certain Tolkien will be pleased. he ag...
24 May 1968
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mary Fairburn
Mary Fairburn has sent some of her illustrations for The Lord of the Rings. Tolkien really likes them and thinks they could be in an illustrated version...
4 September 1968
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mary Fairburn
A letter to Mary Fairburn about her illustrations for The Lord of the Rings - he has not yet shown her drawings to Rayner Unwin. He doesn't think an ill...
10 October 1968
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mary Fairburn
Tolkien is distressed at Mary Fairburn's situation and offers to financially help her. Mary Fairburn had sent Tolkien some illustrations to view, which ...
4 November 1968
J.R.R. Tolkien to Mary Fairburn
Letter to Mary Fairburn declining acquiring all of her pictures as he does not have wall space to hang them, but he is interested in her Mirror of Galad...
28 August 1969
J.R.R. Tolkien to Pauline Baynes
Tolkien writes with remarks about Pauline Baynes' Middle-earth poster, mentioning that he thinks the only error on the printed map is Enedwaith for Ened...
30 August 1969
Bengt Söderhäll to Pauline Baynes
Bengt Söderhäll of Sweden writes to Pauline Baynes praising her illustrations in books by Tolkien. Since it is impossible to write a personal letter t...
17 November 1969
Joy Hill to Pauline Baynes
Joy Hill writes to Pauline Baynes, she says that one day last week she produced 44 letters for Tolkien. Rayner Unwin will see her poster A Map of Middle...
21 November 1969
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Pauline's A Map of Middle-earth is a masterpiece writes Rayner Unwin, as he believes Tolkien himself has already told her. Rayner did not write down the...
19 January 1970
Ernest Shepard to Mr. Haack
Ernest Shepard was asked to illustrate The Lord of the Rings, but declines, as he has not read the book. He recommends a fellow illustrator in his place...
10 September 1970
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes writes that A Map of Middle-earth is selling well, and they already plan a reprint. They are now thinking of a poster map...
4 November 1970
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes says that GA&U are very happy to commission the Hobbit map, entitled There and Back Again] as soon as she can fit it in, ...
27 November 1970
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin comments that they are delighted that Baynes will do the Hobbit map entitled 'There and Back Again'. There is no urgency and a few months d...
9 August 1971
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin has sent via Joy Hill blowups from the The Lord of the Rings of area the There and Back Again map would need to cover. It has much some det...
15 September 1971
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin notes that GA&U are delighted with There and Back Again map and that Tolkien is unqualified in his praise. ‘He loved your visit . . . des...
7 October 1971
Rayner Unwin to Pauline Baynes
Rayner Unwin is quite happy with the different method of payment but is re-sending the cheque for £150 that she returned to him. He outlines new method...